Avatar for @eris
5 stripes, light blue, light pink, white, light pink, white transgender 5 stripes, orange, light orange, white, light pink, pink lesbian a white triangle on the left with a yellow heart in it. the rest is three stripes, light blue, hot pink, and dark purple polyamorous the greek letters "theta" and "delta" overlayed on top of each other. therian



meow meow

always write my name in lowercase


  • Favourite: eris
  • Favourite: kitty
  • Friends only: faggot


  • Favourite: it/its
  • Okay: she/her
  • Okay: kitty/kitty's
  • Only if i say so: he/him


  • Favourite: cat
  • Favourite: girl
  • Okay: kitty
  • Okay: thing
  • In Context: woman
  • In Context: person
  • Jokingly: faggot
  • Favourite: faggot
  • Partners Only: boy
  • Favourite: Favourite
  • Okay: Okay
  • Jokingly: Jokingly
  • Friends only: Friends only
  • Partners Only: Partners Only
  • Only if i say so: Only if i say so
  • In Context: In Context